Learn How to Lucid Dream

Learn How to Lucid Dream

Lucid dreaming is a type of dream in which a person is aware he or she is actually dreaming. In other words, the subject is “lucid”, or aware, of being in a dream state during rest. Learning how to control the frequency of lucid dreaming can make for a rather invigorating and exciting dream sequence on a given night. Here are a few tips one can consider when attempting to lucid dream.

Begin to Record Dreams in a Journal Every Morning

One of the main aspects of vild lucid dreaming is to train oneself to become aware of when he or she has had a dream and to recall details about the dream. One method to consider when recalling a dream is to keep a dream journal. As soon as one wakes from a deep sleep, he or she will then write down any details recalled from the dream he just had. In doing so, a person is familiarizing himself with the manner or method in which he dreams as to discover a type of pattern in the sleeping cycle. As one continues to journal his or her dreams on a regular basis, these sleep patterns will become more self-realized and will eventually be repeatable.

Decipher Between a Dream and Reality throughout the Day

Decipher Between a Dream and Reality throughout the Day

Another technique one may use when learning more about the dream cycle is to consciously ask himself if he is currently in a dream. For example, when something occurs during the day that can be deemed as unusual or new, a person can ask himself “Am I dreaming?” This practice, when done with increased regularity, will become a habit and can carry over into actual dream states during sleep. Becoming more aware of what reality is and what is a dream will help train a person’s brain to more easily decipher between the two stages.

Identify and Notice Dream Signals

During a journaling session following a dream state, one can benefit from recording any specific symbols or objects in the context of a dream. These symbols, objects, or subjects may serve as an indicator to the individual who can signal whether a dream is occurring or if the person is awake. For example, noticing a specific animal in a dream on a frequent basis may serve as a signal that one is actually dreaming and can allow the individual the chance to begin lucid dreaming.

Research into the repeatability and meaning behind lucid dreams must be conducted in order to determine their causes. However, with a little practice and a proper skill set one may be able to control the frequency of lucid dreaming on a regular basis.