Physiological homeostasis basically refers to the dynamic constancy or equilibrium of parameters found in the human body (Introduction to Physiology and Homeostasis). The digestive system contributes to physiological homeostasis by using helpful bacteria; there are about 500 different kinds of helpful bacteria found in the human body. They assist with the digestion of food, help create different vitamins, help put together excrement, and also help the body fight against harmful bacteria.
Organs Found in the Digestive System

All eleven organ systems in the human body must work together to complete their functions. If they do not complete their functions then in many cases they will all fail. Each of the systems uses something or produces something from or for another system. The digestive system works with the respiratory and urinary systems. They interact with the outside environment by exchanging material(s) (Creative Teaching Press).
The major organs of the digestive system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and the large intestine (colon). All of these organs work together forming a digestive track which helps keep the stomach clean. Check out here at website to get more.
Salivary glands are found in the mouth; this saliva contains enzymes that begin the digestion and breakdown of starch from foods and turns them into molecules. Once swallowed these molecules then travel down the esophagus.
A sphincter (valve) at the bottom of the esophagus opens and lets the molecules through to the stomach. The lining of the stomach produces stomach acid and enzymes that digests protein. The rest of the molecules then pass through the pancreas, which provides a juice that contains enzymes which break down carbohydrates and fats.
The remaining molecules in the stomach are then emptied into the small intestine; any nutrients in the molecules are absorbed through the intestinal walls and are used or stored throughout the body. Any molecules that are not absorbed through the intestinal walls travel to the large intestine and are turned into waste; waste is exited from the body through the rectum and out of the anus (NDDIC).
The Esophagus and its Importance to the Digestive System

The esophagus is a vital organ in the digestive system. Food and liquids travel down the esophagus from the mouth to the stomach. The esophagus is 10 inches in length and is a muscular tube. The pharynx is connected to the top of the esophagus; the pharynx is the back of the human throat. The stomach is attached to the bottom of the esophagus (Rosenberger).
There is a pair of sphincters at the top and bottom of the esophagus; these sphincters are valves in the body that carefully allows or blocks other types of substances to pass through.
The valve on the top of the esophagus tends to stay closed, and then opens when a person attempts to swallow foods or liquids. This valve also blocks the airway to a person’s lungs so that food or liquid does not block the air; when blockage does occur it is known as choking.
The bottom valve on the esophagus is connected to the stomach, and it prevents the substances in the stomach from traveling back up into the esophagus.
The esophagus is composed of non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium lining tissue, areolar connective tissue, and smooth muscle. Stratified epithelium’s function is to protect any underlying tissue (Stratified squamous epithelium). The areolar connective tissue is found in many other parts of the body. It fills spaces found between different organs and helps hold them in place, as well as cushion and protect them too.
Mast cells are usually visible in areolar connective tissue; fibroblasts are also found here but are not as easy to distinguish (Connective Tissue). Smooth muscles found in the esophagus are involuntary muscles, meaning the brain tells the muscles what to do. They tighten up and also relax so that food can be pushed back up the esophagus and out the mouth; when this occurs it is referred to as vomiting.
Barrett’s Esophagus
Barrett’s esophagus is a disease that is related to the digestive system; this is because the affects of the disease occur in the esophagus. When someone suffers from Barrett’s esophagus the tissue that lines the esophagus is replaced by the lining of the intestine.
It is typically found that people with Barrett’s esophagus also suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease, and in a small amount of cases people do develop a rare but deadly cancer in the esophagus (NIDDK).