You must be convinced with the fact LoL is one of the most amazingly crafted video game and if you aren’t able to understand the game because you are a newcomer, then you will learn it soon. Gemstones of the game are something which might not be understandable to the new players and if you are facing difficulty to learn about it, then you need to learn to get it.

First of all, you should find out what are the gemstones and then only you should take the decision to purchase those. These are rare materials which are used for crafting the Hextech and there are particular events when you are purchasing the special variant by using Blue essence or you can also use your Riot points for it. You can easily forge the gemstones in the key & chest bundle. It can be little tricky to find out gemstones in LoL and you need to find out all the ways to earn it. If you don’t know how you get gems in lol, then you can follow the given instructions:
• At first, you can easily earn the gemstones with Hextech chests. These are equal to the Loot crates in LoL. You can easily earn these without paying a single penny if you are able to get the S rank along with the champion at the match end. You can also purchase the gemstones directly from the Riot store by using the riot points.

• If you want to get the gemstone, then you can crack Hextech chest by using the key and there are some chances that you will get the gemstones.
• If you will be able to level up your summoner, then there are great chances that you will be rewarded with the gemstones.
• During the special events like essence emporium, you will be able to get unique gemstones from time to time but you need to pay blue essence for it. Not only you will be benefitted by the gemstones but you can also receive an icon also.
• If you want to learn the fastest way to earn gemstones, then you can use your credit card. Yes! It is true that you need to spend money if you want to get more and more gemstones. You need to keep your fingers crossed when you will stake your money on Hextech chest bundles.
• If you don’t want to spend money to buy gemstones, then you just need to play every match to attain S rank. If you will play this game with the mate who regularly achieves the S level, then you will be able to get advantages of it. There are better chances of you to earn gemstone if you will play the game with the experienced player.
• There are special events and sale time organized by League for the players to provide unique chests and capsules in which you might find gemstones for you.

So, these are the best ways to earn gemstones in the LoL game and you won’t’ find any difficulty in earning gemstones while playing this game. There are lots of people who are able to win this game by continuous playing it. You need to focus on earning the gemstones while playing the various stages of the game. It is really crucial that you don’t ever regret playing this game. It is really crucial that you don’t make the mistake of taking help from the wrong site in order to buy gemstones. You should purchase gemstones from the official Riot store so that you don’t feel to get robbed.