Ho, ho, ho… Santa is now just a memory and hopefully you’ve got enough presents to make you remember him till next year. The holiday season is now over and we’re back to work. It is nice to spend time with the family and enjoy Christmas but you have a business to run, remember? We’re just starting a new calendar year and for many of us it’s also a new fiscal year. Don’t worry, I will not talk about all those resolutions we make and we never keep. There is (or should be) one exception, though: business resolutions! I really don’t care if you plan to lose some weight this year, but I do care if you plan to put some more fat on your business! Remember what I told you in my previous column? Fat is good… for your business, of course!

Now, let’s see how can you lose some physical weight and put some business fat on you. First of all, they say you should start doing some physical exercises. You have to start slowly, one step at a time, but be persistent. It’s the same for your business: you should start using some things you never used before or you did but not at the right intensity. You begin with getting yourself a gym membership… and a new email marketing service account for your business. Then, you start lifting some weights and send a couple of email blasts to your customers thanking them for their business and reminding them you’re still there, ready to offer them good quality and inexpensive services or products. Then, you start jogging in the park and you also revamp your website to give it a fresh look. Pumping the iron under the supervision of a qualified physical trainer might also be a good idea, the same way starting a pay-per-click online marketing campaign with the help of a qualified agency might also bring effective results. Now that you’ve got a taste of it and you start losing some weight and gaining some business fat (“what happened to John – or Susan or Mary or Bill, he/she looks so much better!”), it’s time to push yourself a little more and take some swimming lessons and spend some time in the pool at the Aquatic Center. You should also take a couple of lessons on how to manage this entire “social media thing” and take advantage of the numerous opportunities the Internet has to offer, look at this site.
I hope you did not get confused but I really don’t see any difference. Trying to lose some physical weight is almost the same as trying to gain some fat for your business. I am pretty sure there is still some room for you to become thinner and for your business to become fatter. You win some (for your business), you lose some (for your body). By the way, don’t worry, your business looks so nice being fat. Hey, I said “your business!” See y’all online!