I bought this neat little gadget for my office. I got tired of always looking for my dictionary so I decided to buy an electronic on that couldn’t be lost as easy. The Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator is one of the greatest little gadgets I have bought thus far. I bought the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator for $25 and I feel like I got a bargain with the purchase .
The Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator is a small computerized, electronic calculator that allows you to easily type in your entry to find the correct spelling. The
Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator holds up to 274,000 definitions and 500,000 synonyms and antonyms. Not only can you use the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator to correct your spelling you can use it to improve your spelling as a whole.

Now Even thought I was buying an electronic to have on hand, I thought that it might have been a bit easier for me NOT to lose. Well, I was so wrong. I have lost the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator a total of 12 times.
The one thing I don’t like about the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator is that there are some words I couldn’t find. So in the end I ended up having to look in the regular dictionary. I thought this was a bit disappointing because I could have continued to use the regular dictionary instead of buying the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator.
The Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator is a downgrade from the Franklin Electronic BES-1840 Dictionary / Translator. I actually ended up taking back the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator and buying the Franklin Electronic BES-1840 Dictionary / Translator for $160. The reason for my swap was because I wasn’t getting results I was looking for when it came to the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator. With the Franklin Electronic BES-1840 Dictionary / Translator I get an 8 -line display unlike the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator.

I also like the fact that the Franklin Electronic BES-1840 Dictionary / Translator had a few thousand more words than the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator. It also has ClariSpeech , Advanced verb conjugations,Cultural Notes, Travelers` phrases, Grammar Guide.
I think if you are looking for an exceptional electronic dictionary then I would advise for you to look more into the Franklin Electronic BES-1840 Dictionary / Translator , rather than the Franklin MWD460 Dictionary / Translator. It’s much more flexible, bigger and offers a lot more features.