Quartz crystals are special because they have layers of atoms that are parallel with each other. This property makes them translucent, meaning the light can pass through. However, when it hits a surface that reflects all the light waves, then it becomes opaque (meaning not all the light can pass through) and this usually happens with black or very dark surfaces. Quartz crystals are used as watch to measure time and also for lights to flicker less smoothly.
What are Quartz Crystal Specials?

A Quartz Crystal is a type of mineral made of silica. It is transparent, meaning the light can go through it and not be absorbed by the crystal, but when it hits a surface that reflects all the light waves back towards it, it becomes opaque and this usually happens with black or very dark surfaces. Quartz crystals are got crystallized from molten rock.
There are many uses for quartz crystals such as watches and clocks because they have special features that make them more useful than other types of timekeeping devices. For example, quartz crystals are used to measure time. They also make lights flicker less and more smoothly because they come in handy when electronics use LEDs. In addition, Quartz crystals are not just used for electronics, they are also used in atomic clocks which tell the time using radio waves that were sent by a transmitter and received by the clock.
How to use quartz crystals
Quartz crystals can be used in several ways. They can be used as a watch, they can measure time like an hourglass and some quartz crystals can make lights flicker less and more smoothly. Quartz crystals are translucent because the light waves that are reflected still pass through the crystal. When the light waves hit a surface, that’s black, they become opaque and this usually happens if the surface has some dirt on it.
The structure of a quartz crystal

A quartz crystal comprises layers of atoms, all aligned in the same direction. These layers are so thin that there’s an atom on every other layer. The result is that a quartz crystal can act as a super-detector for the light waves that go through it. This is because light waves travel in different directions, and when they hit the surface of the crystal, they can be reflected. When the light waves reflect off or pass through a quartz crystal, the light waves will vibrate back and forth at different frequencies. The number of vibrations per second is related to how much energy is in each wave.
Benefits of using them
Quartz crystals can make clocks or watches that measure time. They can also be used as a light with a special type of surface to make the light flicker less and more smoothly. Quartz crystals are sure to be very useful for many purposes because they have so many great properties.
Conclusion Quartz crystals are a type of mineral and have many unique properties that make them useful for various purposes. Quartz is translucent; meaning light can pass through it. However, when quartz crystal hits a surface that reflects all the light waves, then it becomes opaque and this usually happens with black or very dark surfaces.